
Getting healthy is HARD. Staying sick is HARDER!

Getting healthy is challenging but staying sick with a chronic disease is even harder. Ultimatley, it is up to you which hard you want to choose.

Is Eating Conveniently Worth The COST Of Your Health?

The real cost of convenience is your health. Consuming convenient food means that your body isn't getting all the nutrients it needs.

How To Talk To Friends And Family About Your Health Issues

People dealing with chronic health issues who are in the healing process have good and bad days. This fluctuation can be hard for your family to understand.

Diagnosed With A Chronic Illness – How To Handle It With HOPE

If you've just been diagnosed with a chronic illness there are .lifestyle changes that allow you to live a great life with a health condition.

Wonder Woman Has To DIE So That You Can LIVE!

The only way to recover from a chronic illness is by saying goodbye to your "wonder woman" complex so your body is able to heal.

Being LAZY Is Part Of The Healing Process

When healing the body from a chronic illess or disease it is cruitial to do more "lazy" activities. Your body recovers in rest mode.

How To Stop Food Cravings! *A Personal Discussion*

I wanted to share with you behind the scenes of how my video…

How To Eat Out With Food Restrictions It's Not About The Food It's…

The Gift Of Pain

A lot of people come into my office, thinking that pain is the…

TOP 6 Lab Tests For Optimal Health

Lab tests are a direct window into your nutritional status.…